My name is Marco, and I am what you could call a retired accessibility veteran. I've been retired for health reasons since January 2023.

I worked as an accessibility  engineer and evangelist at Mozilla. I joined Mozilla on December 3rd, 2007 and left there in January of 2021 to recuperate from several burnout episodes. Initially working from within the QA team, I transferred to the newly founded dedicated accessibility team in April of 2011. Before my full-time employment, I volunteered as a community member for a couple of months.

Over the years, my responsibilities also expanded to some accessibility-specific product and release management, as well as influencing user experience decisions and helping other teams at Mozilla gain a better understanding of accessibility in general, and specific guidelines such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1.

I was previously with Freedom Scientific, now part of Vispero, one of the world’s biggest manufacturers of software and hardware products for the visually impaired, including the screen reader JAWS for Windows. All in all, I’ve been in the AT technology industry since 1996, counting also my student days where I already started working for the German distributor for JAWS.

I am totally blind from birth and have been using screen readers of various shapes and sizes since 1991, when I got my first DOS-based PC.

I hope this, now archived, blog will be a good resource for readers on all and any accessibility-related topics. Enjoy the read!

How to contact me 🔗

If you’d like to get in touch with me, there are a couple of ways:

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