As I’m catching up with news after my return from Whistler, I have two suggested ARIA-related readings for you:
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I’m currently attending the Mozilla 2008 summit in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada. Among all the good sessions we’re having, there are a couple that I definitely want to blog more about over the course of the next few days, but wanted to share a few thoughts right now so we all kind of know what to expect:
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A friend of mine published his very first blog post on Monday. Congratulations, Schepp, and welcome to the world of blogging! His post is not related to web accessibility, but I found it a fascinating read, so am sharing it with you. He describes how he wrangled ads into the responsive (and accessible) relaunch of the media company’s web site he is working on. But be warned, it’s not for the faint of heart, and very technical. And fascinating. 🙂
tagged with: #Webdev